Jan Kratochvil
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HotelGate: Internet Public Access Gateway
Overview Deployment Screenshots Specification


HotelGate: Deployment Scenarios

Ticket access from hotel restaurant with free access from hotel rooms

Ticket access from hotel restaurant with free access from hotel rooms   

Hotel provides Internet access for its rooms over ethernet cable. Charge is enlisted on the final hotel receipt - the receptionist can permit/forbid free Internet for each specific room of the hotel. Hotel also provides its restaurant with public hosts access, Internet provided over WiFi in this restaurant requires valid id/password from tickets being sold and printed by the staff. The tickets are usually pre-printed in a stock there.

  • Rooms Internet access control and tickets printing is provided by regular PC with a web browser.
  • WiFi access is provided by additional common access point in bridging mode.
  • Segments (each room, restaurant) separation is provided by VLAN functionality of switches with a single HotelGate ethernet interconnection.

Coffee shop with ticketed Internet access

Coffee shop with ticketed Internet access   

Coffee shop provides Internet over WiFi. Access requires valid id/password from tickets being sold and printed by the staff. The tickets are usually pre-printed in a stock there.

  • Tickets printing is provided by regular PC with a web browser.
  • WiFi access is provided by additional common access point in bridging mode.
  • No additional switches needed.

Simple free hotel rooms Internet access without any extra charges

Simple free hotel rooms Internet access without any extra charges   

Hotel provides Internet access for its rooms over ethernet cable. Charge is covered by general hotel accomodation fees for all hosts.

  • Rooms Internet access control and tickets printing is provided by regular PC with a web browser.
  • Only the very basic switches needed as there is no VLAN functionality required.
  • No control PC or staff training needed.