
calltype_reactos —


#define     CAPTIVE_CDECL




#define CAPTIVE_CDECL    __attribute__((__cdecl__))

Function call type declaration for the real CDECL call type. As the default CDECL macro gets disabled (=NOP) during reactos sources compilation (and gets undefined to cause error during non-reactos sources compilation) you have the chance to do the real CDECL declaration by using CAPTIVE_CDECL. You must ifdef it by LIBCAPTIVE symbol as it is not available during standalone reactos compilation.

This macro may be needed to pass control to W32 binary code.


#define CAPTIVE_STDCALL  __attribute__((__stdcall__))

Function call type declaration for the real STDCALL call type. As the default STDCALL macro gets disabled (=NOP) during reactos sources compilation (and gets undefined to cause error during non-reactos sources compilation) you have the chance to do the real STDCALL declaration by using CAPTIVE_STDCALL. You must ifdef it by LIBCAPTIVE symbol as it is not available during standalone reactos compilation.

This macro may be needed to pass control to W32 binary code.